Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to make Fried Carrot Cake ?

   To make fried carrot cake healthier we should use olive oil and limit the amount of salt.

How to make Fish Head Curry healthier ?

   To make it healthier we should use yogurt and low-fat milk instead of coconut milk.

How to make Char Kway Teow healthier ?

   To make Char Kway Teow healthier we should do nothing....because we cannot do any thing to the kway teow we must do something to us. We should eat half a plate , share with a friend or ask for NO COCKLES....

How to make Chicken Rice healthier ?

   To make Chicken Rice healthier we should put choose the chicken that is low in calories,cholesterol and carbohydrate but at the same time make it nice too.

How to make Roti Prata Healthier ?

   Hm mm.......How to make roti prata healthier.  I know, just stay at home and not go out . Ha ha..... Just Kidding.
  To make roti prata healthier we should use olive oil or just limit the amount of oil.

Healthy Diet Pyramid

This is the Healthy Diet Pyramid.
(click the Healthy Diet Pyramid to make it larger.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Team

This is our blog.....welcome.
This is our team members Alethea koh, Bernice lee, Jazreel chern and Kum king-wye.
We are going to tell you how to make Singapore's local dishes healthier.
I hope you will get your informaion from here.